The Films of David Lynch

Authorship and the Films of David Lynch
Examining the films of David Lynch within the context of debates around authorship in film theory.


Chapter 1: Eraserhead
Defining ‘auteur’. Lynchian theme and style. David Lynch; the evolving auteur.

Chapter 2: The Elephant Man and Dune
David Lynch; an auteur in Hollywood. The star system and authorship. Structuralism and genre.

Chapter 3: Blue Velvet
Post-modernism and authorship.

Chapter 4: Wild At Heart
The commerce of authorship.


50 Percent Sound
An investigation into the roles of sound and music in the films of David Lynch.


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3


The Site

Works consulted and recommended reading.

Links to help you track down David Lynch’s work on DVD and video.

If you would like to reproduce any portion of these works or wish to be notified of updates please email me. I would also welcome any comments or suggestions you may have.