Early British Comedy
Turn of the Century
Butt, Evans, Tae, Chirgwin, Leno
The Surviving Evidence
George Robey and ‘Little Tich’
End of The Silent Era
International Competition
The British Studios
Lupino Lane
The Final Curtain
A History of British Film
Early British Comedy
Early Hitchcock
Introduction to Humphrey Jennings
Humphrey Jennings and Third Cinema
The Stars Look Down / The Proud Valley – Conflict and Unity
The Renaissance of the 1980s
Film On Four
End of The Silent Era
In 1900 sound came to the British film. Okay, perhaps not quite as marketable as The Jazz Singer, but synchronised sound none the less. The first system used was Walter Gibbons Phono-Bio-Tableaux, these little sound films were very popular by audiences and performers alike, Vesta Tilley and the immensely popular Mr. Chirgwin were amongst the first to be seen and heard on the screen and in 1905 many artists were using Gaumont’s Chronophone to showcase songs.